  • Sabina Uspeshnaya SMM manager of - SNCE speaker (Kazakhstan)

    «Thank you very much) Happy to meet you and to participate))) See you there!»

  • Georgy Chizhov The representative of startup «Eventin» on Speed Dealing

    «Thank you for the opportunity to communicate with people from whom you can get quality feedback and opinion about the project. I liked this format»

  • Ekaterina Momot Investment analyst of Life.SREDA – participant of Speed Dealing

    «Speed ​​Dealing lasted longer than expected, because workshop has attracted a large number of start-ups. SNCE need to grow up and become an annual»

  • Stepan Vyaltsev and Sophia Shishkina Exhibitors and speakers from the communication group M-Liner

    «For us SNCE is an opportunity to see our competitors, increase customer base. Let the exhibition grow up, because then, next year, we will see new members here»

  • Alexander Kruglov Evangelist "VKontakte" – SNCE speaker

    «Very good impression from the organization, and judging by what I had seen, SNCE in the future needs to do more workshops of conference»

  • Anna Osharova Boomstarter – SNCE exhibitor

    «Thanks very much, that was so caring of us. We are always happy to share experience and learn»

  • Ekaterina Patyulina Marketing Communications Director Socialist – workshops visitor

    «We look forward to new meetings, so keep up to date with all new events!»

  • Alexei Shtatnov Sales Director iD EAST – SNCE speaker

    «Thank you for the excellent organization»


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