Yuri Kovalev Managing Partner at Performance Lab about cross-channel connections and understanding competitors

Yuri Kovalev Managing Partner at Performance Lab about cross-channel connections and understanding competitors

User testing will help to understand how users perceive your brand compared to other offers, assures the managing partner of Performance Lab and Founder of UXCrowd.ru service Yuri Kovalev.

We will give the key points of his article on Rusbase portal.

Knowing not only “what” but also “why”

Using analytical tools, we obtain data about the user’s actions. But it rarely comes to the question “Why did the user do it?"

Why user leaves registration page, why it happens in the first two seconds, why users unsubscribe, etc.

Surely, you would name several reasons basing on your own opinion, but to rely on subjective assumptions in the digital age is dangerous. It is better to ask the client: carry out user testing.

Brand: develop and secure

Make sure that clients understand your brand in the way you suppose to.

Testing helps you to understand users attitude to your product, whether the brand idea is clear to them, whether they appreciate the way products or services are provided on the website.

Improve cross-channel connections

Usually, clients do not decide to buy products immediately or using a single channel. The necessary thing is repeated interaction: via websites, apps, email, social networks, online chats.

Find out clients’ attitude to means of communication, what is the most convenient one for them: phone, tablet or laptop. Check whether the type of communication clients used to is properly set.

Compare yourself with competitors

You can test not only your own website, but absolutely any resource or application. And it will be great, if users visit your website and the competitor’s one, and then share their impressions.