Links are still highly important for ranking in Google

Links are still highly important for ranking in Google

Links are still one of the main factors for ranking in Google. It was stated by Stone Temple Consulting agency based on the results of conducted research.

The research was kind of a response to the hypothesis made by Moz and Searchmetrics. They supposed that links are starting to lose their value. Results of the latest research disprove this statement. 

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Stone Temple has analyzed 6000 pages in top 50 Google SERPs. Experts examined highly competitive and low frequency commercial queries, as well as informational queries. To reduce the risk of mistakes, researchers used three different statistical models for analysis.

Experts have found out: the link factor influences the position of the website in search engine results even more than credibility of domain and page. The only types of queries, where links are less important, are local queries, profound articles, and queries that require refinement. 

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Findings of the research prove that link building still has to remain an important part of work done by marketing experts and SEO specialists.