Create Facebook posts with high CTR
Facebook is an efficient channel for attracting traffic on the website. We would like to offer you some tips, allowing your publications to collect more clicks and clicks-through.
1. Add OG tags
Open Graph tags play the same role for social media as meta tags for search systems.
The most significant of them determine the preview type:
- og: image – for choosing an image from post and determining preferable images (allows to avoid showing advertising banners in preview);
- og: title – displayed title;
- og: description – chooses several text lines for showing.
2. Be brief
Posts with short headlines collect more clicks: the reduction of headlines up to 80 symbols increases CTR by 15.4%.
Same goes for the total post size: the involvement rate of publications containing up to 80 symbols is 66% higher (according to Quicksprout data).
3. Optimize images
1024*512 px images are perfect for Facebook (and Twitter). Add CTA to them, but be careful in order not to make post too advertising.
4. Personalize posts
When you share company news in your account, a single link is not enough. You should explain why it is important for you. For instance: “My first publication in the popular design magazine”.