How to make money from copywriting: 7 tips for beginners

How to make money from copywriting: 7 tips for beginners

Copywriting seems to be the simplest way of earning money on the web – and therefore the competition here is the strongest. We hope that our recommendations will help you not only to do an interesting job, but to make it profitable.

Tip 1. Find a good online marketplace

There are lots of them nowadays, and they offer different conditions for beginners. For example, Copylancer provides many orders, but beginners will be able to take only the cheapest – RUB 15-30 /1000 symbols. In order to get at least RUB 75 /1000 symbols, one will have to take the trouble to earn a good reputation. On other platforms, such as Textbroker, beginners can get RUB 75 /1000 symbols from the very beginning.

The majority of online marketplaces have a system of tenders: you and other freelancers submit applications for the project and wait until the employer approves it. Make sure to have a portfolio with best samples of your work, in order to have more chances.

Tip 2. Accustom yourself to self-discipline

Don’t kid yourself with flexible schedule. Copywriting does not differ from working in the office, apart from the fact that you will have more temptations to distract yourself from work. That’s why you should think carefully whether you are self-disciplined enough to work from home. And explain to your family members that you are busy, when you writing texts.

Tip 3. Don’t take too many orders

Consider how much time you will need for creation of one page of text, and add time for information search. Taking into consideration these parameters, assess what volume of work you will be able to complete in time.

Fulfilling orders in time, you earn good reputation for yourself and get good reviews from your employers. Start from 2-3 thousand of symbols a day, and then you will understand what volume of work you can do.

Tip 4. Write professionally about everything

Although everyone has favourite topics, don’t limit yourself to them. If you are smart, you can gain insight into any question with the help of the Internet. And it is to your advantage to write texts of high quality.

Tip 5. Create high-quality texts

There is another reason for taking care about the quality of your texts except gaining good reputation and getting an opportunity to take better paid orders. Although online market places have systems of protection against nonpayment, employer can refuse to pay for bad texts and ask online market administration to cancel the order. If such application is approved after consideration, you won’t get paid.

Tip 6. Stand upon your rights

If the employer is unfair and rude, and changes the statement of work after you finish working – do not hesitate to inform administration about it.

When working with unfamiliar employer, you can ask to divide the text into pieces, 3-5 thousand symbols each, and get paid after finishing work on each of it.

Tip 7. Work on several platforms

As anything else online marketplaces can appear, go through periods of flourishing and recession, and get closed down as well. Therefore it’s a nice idea to sign up on several websites and take care about creating good reputation on each of them. Moreover, you will definitely have more orders.